Dec 22, 2009
We have just returned from a mad pre-Christmas Wine trip by car to the UK to visit the necessary “rellys” and friends, exchange pressies and deliver festive bottles of Vilmart champagne to all our nearest and dearest. I suppose one of the teensy downsides of becoming...
Dec 7, 2009
Oh, gosh is that a hideously, schmaltzy, yuck way of introducing what we are up to over the festive period with Christmas? Sorry, folks, that’s me!! Bit on a wave of excitement here at FineWineWorks with our recent activities with our very own Vilmart champagne....
Nov 18, 2009
Phew! We’ve done it!! And I very much do mean “we” in this instance – our first WSET® Advanced Certificate in Wines & Spirits, with me as Tutor for the 5 Day course, and hubby Nigel, embarking onthe course as a Student. Well, its over now – the last run to the...
Apr 13, 2009
Wine Tasting in Champagne I know it sounds glamorous and I can’t deny it was a great pleasure BUT it still counts as work!! A trip by car to the UK to celebrate hubby Nigel’s 60th in birthday in March and the happy coincidence of needing to source a “house” champagne...