PURE Wines

Back in 2019, Fine Wine Works introduced their new concept! A very special collection of exceptional wines: fine and rare bottles from around the world. We’ve called this PURE.

These are wines that are universally regarded as the best in their class, a tag that is backed up by both critics scores and trading prices on the secondary market. Wines that wine lovers want to drink and wine investors want to have in their collections – many produced in painfully minuscule quantities that only fuel demand from all corners of the globe.

This is exactly what makes these PURE wines the wines the yacht or villa owner, charter or ski chalet guest want to have access to.

But here’s where our specialist knowledge comes into play.

Each wine in the PURE collection has to fit certain criteria. The most important? To be in its prime drinking window. You can, therefore, rest assured that every bottle you open will neither be too young nor too old. It will be just right.

Another essential criteria is provenance, which is why we acquire our stocks only from the most reputable sources: highly respected merchants and elite private collections.

Download the FEBRUARY 2025 PURE Wine List

Download the JANUARY 2025 PURE Wine List


With over a decade of experience in supplying fine wine to superyachts, we at Fine Wine Works understand the frustrations that come with wine provisioning.

One of the biggest? A preference sheet demanding some of the finest wines in the world – needing to be delivered at very short notice! The challenge to source, secure and deliver these exceptional wines in a rush can mean that the wine arrives unsettled – and far from optimal condition. A real crime for a class of wine considered anything but for everyday drinking.

But we also know that “not possible” is an answer no-one in our industry likes to use.

Therefore, we decided it was time to build a comprehensive, but very precious collection, starting with PURE Burgundy, launched in Spring 2019. This collection of the world’s finest and rare wines are already sitting in our temperature-controlled cellars on the Côte d’Azur and can be delivered to your yacht or villa and enjoyed by guests this season.

We have since been hard at work, hunting down and securing the ultimate wines from Italy, Bordeaux and the Rest of the World as well as more fine Burgundy. PURE Bordeaux and PURE Rest of the World are now also available and we are continuing to accrue a significant stock-holding from these other regions. Ask us about all our available PURE wines.

Unforgettable fine wines to match unforgettable experiences.

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